the fam

the fam

Friday, 19 August 2011

I love.....


I am a complete novice when it comes to photography but I do feel I have an 'eye' for a good photo. Hopefully this is where my art training has come into play - learning about composition, lighting, colour theory etc has definitely helped. My personal opinion is that, just having a fancy camera doesn't necessarily produce a good photograph, there are so many other elements to consider.
Cromer Pier
I did dabble with photography at art college and my biggest regret is that I didn't persue it as a career. Whatever possessed me to study constructed textiles still baffles me to this day! The course was fine and there were many very talented textile artists on my course...I just felt I wasn't one of them!!

Hello Duck

Baby Blackbird
Clothes Line
I love spending time on Flickr - some of the photographs on there absolutely floor me! So much talent and creative subject matter on there along with brilliant use of effects and techniques. I love the work of Shana Rae (portrait/floral photographer) 
Perfect Rose

After The Rain

Pink Lily
I particularly love the current trend for 'vintage' style photography - the quirky shots and the slightly aged look to them. I'm a massive fan of wedding photography too - taking beautiful shots of someone's special day must be hugely rewarding. I'm not one for very formal shots (although I know a lot of Bride & Grooms still want exactly this style, it's just not for me) I much prefer the 'reportage' style where I feel the whole essence of the day is captured - everyone caught in natural poses, laughing and enjoying themselves to show how the day progressed.
I've yet to purchase my own DSLR - for the moment I use my trusty old point-and-shoot sony sureshot. My subject matter is fairly traditional, nature, textures, the seaside...the latter being my absolute favourite. I have had an obsession with everything 'seaside' since I was a little girl! I may still be learning the art of photography but I'm quite proud of some of the shots I've captured.
seashell on the seashore

beach hut reflections

bird watching

If you would like to join me on Flickr, I would love to see your photos too! 


  1. These are beautiful Heidi :) Fond of a clothes peg myself!:)) love Gabs

  2. Great photos - especially the duck, the perspectives wonderful

  3. Great photos - your a natural at it!!! Keep up the good work

  4. Thanks so much for the comments - makes me feel it is worth pursuing! xx


Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I would love to hear your feedback or comments. I will try my best to reply!